Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Lest We Forget - Moving Forward As A School Community

Tomorrow I have to give a speech about peace. I will ask 350 young and vulnerable minds to reflect on their own lives and to consider the sacrifices of those who have come before them. We will bow our heads and honour those that 'gave their tomorrows for our todays.'
It is not a speech I can typically get through without tears rolling down my face, but this year I fear those tears will represent something quite different. My tears will well up deep from within the notion that those same vulnerable minds will walk out of that assembly and into a world that has clearly forgotten.
They will walk into a world where hate, sexism, xenophobia, and homophobia are are still prevailing forces. They will walk into a world that has clearly forgotten what those sacrifices were for.
Sure ... maybe not in Canada. But let's be honest, in a globalized world this sends a message that transcends boarders.
We will dismiss those 350 students back to class and then as a school community we will get back to work. Because we aren't there yet...